Helpdesk Hard Questions

From SQLZoo



Show the manager and number of calls received for each hour of the day on 2017-08-12

| Manager | Hr            | cc |
| LB1     | 2017-08-12 08 |  6 |
| LB1     | 2017-08-12 09 | 16 |
| LB1     | 2017-08-12 10 | 11 |
| LB1     | 2017-08-12 11 |  6 |
| LB1     | 2017-08-12 12 |  8 |
| LB1     | 2017-08-12 13 |  4 |
| AE1     | 2017-08-12 14 | 12 |
| AE1     | 2017-08-12 15 |  8 |
| AE1     | 2017-08-12 16 |  8 |
| AE1     | 2017-08-12 17 |  7 |
| AE1     | 2017-08-12 19 |  5 |

80/20 rule. It is said that 80% of the calls are generated by 20% of the callers. Is this true? What percentage of calls are generated by the most active 20% of callers.

Note - Andrew has not managed to do this in one query - but he believes it is possible.

| t20pc   |
| 32.2581 |

Annoying customers. Customers who call in the last five minutes of a shift are annoying. Find the most active customer who has never been annoying.

| Company_name | abna |
| High and Co. |   20 |

Maximal usage. If every caller registered with a customer makes at least one call in one day then that customer has "maximal usage" of the service. List the maximal customers for 2017-08-13.

| company_name      | caller_count | registered_callers |
| Askew Inc.        |            2 |                  2 |
| Bai Services      |            2 |                  2 |
| Dasher Services   |            3 |                  3 |
| High and Co.      |            5 |                  5 |
| Lady Retail       |            4 |                  4 |
| Packman Shipping  |            3 |                  3 |
| Pitiable Shipping |            2 |                  2 |
| Whale Shipping    |            2 |                  2 |

Consecutive calls occur when an operator deals with two callers within 10 minutes. Find the longest sequence of consecutive calls – give the name of the operator and the first and last call date in the sequence.

| taken_by | first_call          | last_call           | calls |
| AB1      | 2017-08-14 09:06:00 | 2017-08-14 10:17:00 |    24 |
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