Read the notes about this table.

From SQLZoo

The world table.

Some points to note:

  • There is a table called world with nearly 200 records.
  • The first record is Afghanistan in Asia
  • The final record is Zimbabwe in Africa.
  • The table has eight columns or attributes . These are:
    namevarchar(50)The English name of the country - this is the primary key.
    continentvarchar(60)Not strictly continent - but these include all your favourite continents (Europe, Asia etc) plus a few others.
    areadecimal(10,0)Land area in square kilometers
    populationdecimal(11,0)Number of people living in the country
    gdpdecimal(14,0)Total annual values of goods and services in US dollars
    capitalvarchar(60)Name of the capital city
    tldvarchar(5)Top level internet domain
    flagvarchar(255)A link to an image of the flag
    wikirefvarchar(255)The refence for the country - this is our main source for this table

An extract from the table world

name region area population gdp
Yemen Middle East 536869 21500000 12255000000
Zambia Africa 752614 11000000 4950000000
Zimbabwe Africa 390759 12900000 6192000000

Original source

This data has been collected from - it may be a little out of date. Some changes have been made to the data - the reader should assume that errors and omissions are due to me and not the most excellent wikidata site.

Scientific Notation

Some implementations of SQL may show large numbers in scientific notation. The number 6.23 E9 means 6.23 x 10 9 which is 6.23 x 1,000,000,000 which is 6,230,000,000
A Million is 10 6 which is 1,000,000
A Billion is 10 9 which is one thousand million which is 1,000,000,000
A Trillion is 10 12 , which is one million million which is 1,000,000,000,000.

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